Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Sampan Siam" Adik Kandung "Perahu Siam"

Empat gaya bersahaja Sampan Siam. Induk remaja ini bakal dipasangkan dengan Perahu Jalur. Kedua-dua Sampan Siam dan Perahu Jalur adalah adik kepada Perahu Siam. Sampan Siam adalah adik beradik satu mak satu bapak dengan Perahu Siam, manakala Perahu Jalur adalah adik beradik lain mak satu bapak dengan Perahu Siam. Diharapkan dengan gandingan yang mantap ini nanti akan menghasilkan berbagai jenis perahu dan sampan yang berupaya menyelam di lautan dan di daratan. Sama-samalah kita doakan....hehehe...

[Four table top actions of Sampan Siam. This young pullet will be coupled with Perahu Jalur in a few months time. Both Sampan Siam and Perahu Jalur are the siblings of Perahu Siam. With the combination of this pure Perahu Siam bloodline, it is hoped that their offsprings will turn-out to be "superselam" seramas...]

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kunjungan Tarawikh

Selepas solat tarawikh malam tadi LEASF menerima kunjungan mesra dari Cikgu Bai (Serama Cikgu Bai), Cikgu Dee (Serama Perak) dan Sdr Razman dari Johor. Sebab lama tak jumpa, seronok juga sembang serama dalam pelbagai topik menarik..... tup-tup tak sedar dah dekat nak pukul 1.30 pagi. Di akhir lawatan Cikgu Bai dengan begitu ceria membawa pulang induk selam menyelam anak Jebat tidak durhaka....Terima kasih atas kunjugan larut malam ini dan jangan lupa datang lagi....

[After tarawikh prayer last night, we welcomed three serama breeders, Cikgu Bai (Serama Cikgu Bai), Cikgu Dee (Serama Perak) and Mr Razman of Johor at our LEASF farm. It was very nice to meet them all after a very long break. We discussed so many interesting topics about latest update of Malaysian seramas. At the end of  their visit, Cikgu Bai took home a "superselam" pullet of Jebat's offspring and all of them headed home at about 1.30 AM this morning. Thank you very much for the visit and hope to see all of you again.....]

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dang Rani Telah Bertunang

(Gambar dari h/p murah, maaf  yer !!!) Dang Rani nama diberi......Induk muda ini adalah hasil cantuman benih antara Jebat dengan Dang Kenanga. Gandingan yang hebat ini telah melahirkan Dang Rani kira-kira 5 bulan yang lepas. Dang Rani mempunyai susuk tubuh yang cantik dan dada yang comel, cuma ekor dah mula nak lari..... Walau apa pun, Dang Rani dah bertunang dengan pencita serama dari Kota Baharu, Kelantan.

[(The image quality is not so good, sorry !!!!) This is Dang Rani.... This young pullet is the offspring of Jebat and Dang Kenanga. It is about 5 months old...Dang Rani has a beautiful body posture with a stunning high breast. It has captured the eyes of a serama lover from Kota Baharu, Kelantan. Pretty soon, this lovely chocolate pullet will fly to Kota Baharu.....]

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Heartwarming Message From Europe to LEASF


Let me introduce myself; my name is ............, I am from .......... I am a Malaysian Serama lover!!! I am writing this message to personally THANK YOU for the ......... you gave to my friend .......... from Austria, from which he hatched a rooster, ........... Twenty days ago I hatched 3 chicks that are children of ............., and I am really thrilled!!! It was amazing for me to see the difference of the european seramas, and the true Malaysian seramas, even if these babies were mixed of Malaysian and European!!! Even with the chicks I hatched, I can see major differences!!! Your birds are exceptional!!! I want to thank you very much for this experience I had!!! .......... was so lucky to have a bird directly from your birds; you have maybe of the best true Malaysian seramas I have seen on the web!!! I would really appreciate your opinion, since it will come from such an experienced breeder, about the photos I am attaching from my half-malaysian seramas!!!
Best regards

(Note : The names and some of  the words of the original text have been removed to protect the sender's identity)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Naga Hitam Menyelam di Tasik Biru

Empat imej terkini Naga Hitam yang makin menunjukkan aksi selam yang sempurna. Naga Hitam baru saja melepasi alam muda dan sekarang menunggu masa untuk alam dewasa.

[Four latest posts of Naga Hitam (Black Dragon) with outstanding style when placing on the table top. Naga Hitam is developing into the full-grown category.]

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sri Mahkota Semakin Matang

Sri Mahkota, darah pior tok uban sebelah bapak dan sebelah ibu. Baru saja masuk alam muda dengan ekor masih lagi sedang tumbuh dengan lebatnya. Sri Mahkota mempunyai bilah balung yang cukup cantik dan tersusun rapi, dan kini muda ini sudah mula tunjuk perangainya yang cukup melawan meja. Lempar sayap, henjut dan tarik !!!l Gambar-gambar diatas diatas diambil selepas Sri Mahkota dimandikan.

[Sri Mahkota, a young cockerel of the Tok Uban bloodline, is the product of our LEASF farm. It has a very nice crown with very well-arranged blades and nice looking shapes, "ara" colour and nice body posture. This young cockerel started to show its bold behaviour and champ-character a few days ago. It will act nicely when putting on the table top.]