Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Young Lovely Couple Visited LEASF

Pagi tadi kami menerima 2 orang peminat serama dari Sabak Bernam. Dah lama kami chit chat melalui SMS, namun hari ini baru dapat bertemu. Pasangan muda ini begitu tertarik apabila melihat aksi meja Naga Hitam dan beberapa ekor lagi koleksi kami di LEASF.

[A young lovely couple of Sebak Bernam visited LEASF's show gallery this morning. They were pretty excited when observing Naga Hitam and other latest collections of LEASF acted on the top of the table.]

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Naga Hitam Terkini

Dua gambar terkini Naga Hitam yang sedang meningkat dewasa. Gaya tarik lonjak dan lempar sayap serta kadang-kadang selam kuda padi.

[The latest posts of Naga Hitam. Amazing style and action on the table top......just wait and see when it is full grown !!!]