Friday, April 30, 2010

Tuah VS Jebat : Aksi Hulubalang

Chisssss engkau... wow.... yahoooo....wekkk... kah kah kah.. Agaknya tu lah lebihkurang kata-kata yang dilontarkan oleh kedua-dua hulubalang ini. Siapa lagi kalau tidak Tuah dan Jebat... Imej diatas diambil semasa kedua-dua muda ini sedang bersiap sedia untuk bertarung dimeja kami di LEASF. Nikmati lah tarik selam kedua-dua muda ini...... he he he.

[Battle of the titan..... sorry !!!! Tuah and Jebat are not the fighting cocks, they are the original bread of serama cockles. Again, not for fighting !!!! The photo gives you an idea on how their show-off qualities when acting on the table. These kinds of styles will surely capture the eyes of judges.]

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