Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Induk Pembaka Utama Lepas Bersiram

Dua imej terkini salah satu induk pembaka utama di LEASF.......teka baka apa ni? Kalau diperhatikan balungnya dibahagian belakang, 3 sisir telah tercabut dek beradu tenaga dengan teman sebungalonya. Baru saja pulih dari penyakit buasir dan mula bertelur balik...

[These are two images of one of the prime serama hens breeder at our LEASF farm. Can you guess, from which bloodline is this charming breeder? Look at its comb !!! Very beautiful, but.....The end part of its comb was taken away after a heavy and lengthy fight with its mate. Just recovered after suffering from a serious sickness].

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