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Friday, October 22, 2010

Anak Tuah DiSorok Besi Lusuh

Anak-anak Tuah semakin membesar. Semuanya memang cepat besar, almaklum saja lah, makanan yang dihidangkan memang cukup special untuk mereka ini. Dua imej diatas adalah post terkini Besi Lusuh. Ketika gambar ini disnap, Besi Lusuh cuba menyorokkan kesemuanya anak-anak Tuah, tapi sempat juga anak-anak yang nakal tu keluar kepala....he he he...

[These are the latest images of Besi Lusuh and its offsprings. The new-born chicks were trying to hide behind Besi Lusuh, when our camera captured a few of them, see the top image. Besi Lusuh is the original breed of LEASF and is one of the prime dames at our farm. Hope this young pullet will produce a lot more high quality seramas in a few months time].

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