Kami menerima kedatangan 5 orang peminat setia serama dari Persatuan Peminat dan Pencita Serama Belgium pada pukul 4.00 petang tadi. Mereka menghabiskan masa kira-kira 3 jam melawat reban dan ladang serama kami di Bandar Baru Bangi. Begitu teruja apabila melihat koleksi serama pembaka yang terdapat direban kami...Memang sukar untuk dibandingkan dengan serama yang mereka miliki pada masa sekarang. Diakhir lawatan mereka dijamu dengan Satey Kajang dan mereka juga membawa pulang sedikit ole-ole dari reban kami...
[Five hard-core serama lovers from the Serama Association of Belgium visited LEASF at 4.00 PM today. They spent about 3 hours visiting our Show Gallery and our serama farm in Bandar Baru Bangi. "All of them are very very different than what we have in Belgium", said John and Liesbeth. "These are real and the original breeds of Malaysian seramas", we replied. They were pretty excited to see our collections and three of them snapped a lot of photos and videos...At the end of their visit, they had a chance to taste the original Kajang Sate at one of the sate stalls in Bandar Baru Bangi. They also took home some special gifts from our farm.. Good luck and please visit us again !!!!]
Hi Lawi, if was very nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteWe've learned a lot which make us happy we made this trip so far from home. I realize that only here in Malaysia you know the answer at the questions we have.
That's what we came for!!
Thanks for your hospitality,
Ellen (Serama club Belgium)
Hi Ellen, Thanks for visiting us...Pls come again if you have time and we would like to share whatever we have....Enjoy the rest of your stay in Malaysia...
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