Friday, May 20, 2011

Serama Lovers of Palembang, Indonesia Visited LEASF

Tengahari semalam sewaktu rehat tengahari, reban LEASF dikunjungi oleh dua orang peminat dan penternak serama dari Palembang, Indonesia. Mereka begitu teruja apabila melihat ikon-ikon LEASF yang terdapat di Show Gallery. Wah, wah, wah pak !!! cantik sekali....Boleh saya ambil gambarnya? tanya mereka secara jujur dan ikhlas.  Silakan......

[Yesterday,  during lunch break, two serama lovers from Palembang, Indonesia visited our LEASF farm. They were pretty excited when browsing thru' some of our icons at the Show Gallery. Wooow, really nice and so awesome !!!!! May I take a few photos with this one? asked one of them..... Yes, of course, you can take as much as you like.....]