Let me introduce myself; my name is ............, I am from .......... I am a Malaysian Serama lover!!! I am writing this message to personally THANK YOU for the ......... you gave to my friend .......... from Austria, from which he hatched a rooster, ........... Twenty days ago I hatched 3 chicks that are children of ............., and I am really thrilled!!! It was amazing for me to see the difference of the european seramas, and the true Malaysian seramas, even if these babies were mixed of Malaysian and European!!! Even with the chicks I hatched, I can see major differences!!! Your birds are exceptional!!! I want to thank you very much for this experience I had!!! .......... was so lucky to have a bird directly from your birds; you have maybe of the best true Malaysian seramas I have seen on the web!!! I would really appreciate your opinion, since it will come from such an experienced breeder, about the photos I am attaching from my half-malaysian seramas!!!
Best regards
(Note : The names and some of the words of the original text have been removed to protect the sender's identity)