Tiga imej terkini induk muda Cempaka Wangi untuk tatapan peminat serama seluruh dunia. Cempaka Wangi adalah adik kandung Cempaka Sari yang telah pun bertukar tangan kepada seorang penternak serama veteran beberapa bulan lalu. Kini reban kami LEASF berseri kembali dengan membesarnya Cempaka Wangi. Melihat dari bentuk tubuh dan gaya, kedua-dua Cempaka Sari dan Cempaka Wangi mempunyai kesamaan, cuma yang berbeza cuma warna keseluruhan. Cempaka Wangi lebih cerah, tak ubah saperti bunga cempaka putih.....hehehe...
[These are three latest images of Chempaka Wangi. This young pullet is one of the siblings of Cempaka Wangi and Sri Landak. They are the offsprings of the Great Warrior, Jebat. Chempaka Wangi is one of our female icons at LEASF after Chempaka Sari was officially transfered to its new owner a few months ago. Judging from the body posture and the table's top performance, both Chempaka Sari and Chempaka Wangi are almost similar. The only different between these two pullets is the feather colour. Chempaka Wangi is slightly brighter than Chempaka Sari. And, the colour of Chempaka Wangi is called "bunga cempaka putih".]
[These are three latest images of Chempaka Wangi. This young pullet is one of the siblings of Cempaka Wangi and Sri Landak. They are the offsprings of the Great Warrior, Jebat. Chempaka Wangi is one of our female icons at LEASF after Chempaka Sari was officially transfered to its new owner a few months ago. Judging from the body posture and the table's top performance, both Chempaka Sari and Chempaka Wangi are almost similar. The only different between these two pullets is the feather colour. Chempaka Wangi is slightly brighter than Chempaka Sari. And, the colour of Chempaka Wangi is called "bunga cempaka putih".]